UJA offers traditional quality education in an untraditional manner that is purely computer-based. With the rapidly growing usage of technology in today’s world, our audio-visual equipment and fully computerized learning experiences expose the child to the present technological advancement. We have plans of offering each child, upon admission, an ipad for early exposure, to make education more motivating and enjoyable as they explore the connections between concepts and ideas.

We know that ICT does not only stimulate and engage learners more than the traditional skills, it also facilitates the acquisition of higher order thinking skills, which we want our pupils to build early in life as they prepare to fit into the fast-changing world. We do not want them to merely see a computer, we want them to touch and manipulate it with confidence as they transform into dynamic and interactive people.Every parent should rest assured that the school is much aware of the negative impact of technology and has in place checkpoints to deter our young ones from such negative sites.