We chose to put together all children, the able and those with differently-abled, not only to promote bonding, but also to lessen the parents’ anxiety, as we train our pupils, early in life, to be respectful and accommodative of any form of diversity in their adult life.

UJA assures parents of pupils who are differently-abled that they are not alone in the bid for progress in life as they promote awareness on the rights of children with special needs. UJA has come up with the innovation of using computer to able the education of those who are differently-abled in a special way. We believe everybody has potential and should not be denied access to education. We chose to put together all children, the able and those with differently-abled, not only to promote bonding, but also to lessen the parents’ anxiety, as we train our pupils, early in life, to be respectful and accommodative of any form of diversity in their adult life.

We ensure growth in social cognition by training acceptance, tolerance and patience for each other, as they freely mix up. UJA believes that the able-bodied pupils serve a positive influence in speech and behavioral skills on those with special needs, while the latter get a chance to fight stigma, develop personal principles and a sense of self-worth as they access the general curriculum.

The only point at which they are separated is the psychological testing point, where validated pretesting and assessment is done to determine the nature of therapy, before being placed in the mainstream classes. This section is richly-furnished with amenities suitable for all forms of special needs including a testing room, observation room, and a therapy room. In addition to different therapists on ground, a resource room is available, where material to educate and sensitize people about special needs can be accessed by interested persons.