Uphill Junior Academy (UJA) is a modern, technology- based primary school, driven with a purpose to maximize the potential of EVERY child through a modern, holistic, ICT-based education. It is an all-inclusive school that caters for both the able and those with special needs, under one roof. UJA is passionate to see a fruitful future for each pupil by catering for all their developmental needs.


To nurture creativity and morality through our modern broad based curriculum.


To be an outstanding school that enables children achieve their highest potential

Core Values:

  • Fear of God
  • Integrity
  • Togetherness
  • Self Esteem



UJA offers traditional quality education in an untraditional manner that is purely computer-based. With the rapidly growing usage of technology in today’s world, our state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment and fully computerized learning experiences expose the child to the present technological advancement.

Upon admission, each child is offered an iPad for early exposure, to make education more motivating and enjoyable as they explore the connections between concepts and ideas. ICT does not only stimulate and engage learners more than the traditional skills, it also facilitates the acquisition of higher order thinking skills, which we want our pupils to build early in life as they prepare to fit into the fast-changing world. We do not want them to merely see a computer, we want them to touch and manipulate it with confidence as they transform into dynamic and interactive people.


With the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected the world greatly and SOPs calling for a two-metre social distance, UJA becomes the school of choice. The classrooms are enormous, 40 x 40 feet, allowing a two-meters social distance for the 35 pupils per class.

This was perceived right from inception because at UJA, we value health and space. Our belief is that larger classrooms allow for a healthy, creative and flexible arrangement of the pupils resulting in various options for learning other than the constructed norms. When the child learns in a dynamic way, retention capacity is higher, intellectual curiosity and creativity are heightened, transforming into cognitive development.

At UJA security is paramount. As we develop skills and talent, we are mindful of the child’s safety. The school is safely enclosed in a perimeter wall fence with two entrances manned by professional security men. The swimming pool is well-fenced off and so are other amenities that require caution. CCTV cameras are in all vital places and these are connected to a central control room that is monitored closely.

The child’s movement is also monitored using monitors that alert the parents on arrival and departure from school. Fire extinguishers are strategically placed, and pupils have been trained to rash to the assembly point in case of any emergency. There are resident members of staff, in addition to the matrons and wardens.